Lynea Gillen writes with a deep understanding of the healing process from her years of experience counseling children and adults.
Her warmth, compassion, and guidance shine through the pages of this book.
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$49.95 10 Pack/Bundle
Sweet, vibrant illustrations and the rhythm of one person’s actions rippling out toward a positive outcome will engage readers ages 3 and up.
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Each page delightfully unfolds with engaging illustrations and endearing stories that warm hearts, evoke the imagination and inspire young and old alike to create a world of compassion and beauty. Ages 3 and up.
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This detailed manual is an indispensable guide for introducing yoga in public school and therapeutic settings, as well as a great handbook for parents who would like to share yoga with their children.
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Some cards help us remember positive events in our lives. Others help us imagine successful futures. All help develop mindfulness, focus and relaxation skills. Ages 3 and up.
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